A Simple Online Grammar Check Can Raise Your College Paper Grade

Transitioning from high school to college writing is a major change. Not only are essay assignments longer, but your professors grade with more challenging requirements for an A.

Sometimes, when you’re working on the hard stuff like finding the proper research, citing your sources, and proving your thesis, the basics of good writing take a back seat.

But many qualities make up a great paper, including excellent grammar and spelling. A paper that would otherwise receive a high grade will be judged harshly by your professor if there are frequent typos, misused apostrophes, run-on sentences, or other spelling and grammar mistakes.

Fortunately, there’s a way to raise your grade by polishing your writing with a simple online grammar check. Read on to learn more.

Correct Mistakes On The Fly

Imagine the scenario – you’ve spent days writing your paper. You compiled research and quotes, formed them into a strong argument to prove your thesis, and adjusted your writing so that it flows naturally in your voice.

Then, you ask your friend to proofread your paper, and she finds nearly 100 spelling and grammar mistakes. You would probably be frustrated, considering how much work you put into the paper. Now, you have to go back and rewrite entire paragraphs when all you want to do is submit your paper.

This scenario can be avoided with a spelling and grammar tool that corrects your writing on the fly. Simply install CorrectEnglish in your browser and use any online word processor, including the CorrectEnglish desktop edition, to type your essay.

You will be able to check your work as you go rather than waiting until the end to revise. Not only will this save you frustration, but you’ll be learning good writing and raising your paper grade as you type.


Review Your Paper Before You Submit It

If you’ve been checking your grammar and spelling as you type your paper, that’s fantastic. Your writing is likely to be polished and grammatically correct.

However, it’s just as likely that you missed one or two mistakes as you were writing. Perhaps a friend stopped by and chatted with you while you were working on your paper in the library. Or else, maybe you stopped to check Snapchat in the middle of writing a paragraph back in your dorm.

Running one last online grammar check can save you from making prominent mistakes in your paper.

If you’re using the CorrectEnglish desktop edition, you can click on the button “Fix My Document” to see all of your corrections in a toolbar on the right-hand side of your screen. From there, you simply have to click on the corrections for them to be changed in your document.


Once you’re sure your paper is free of spelling and grammar errors, you’ll be ready to submit it. After you send it to your professor, you can rest easy that you’ve presented your best writing.

CorrectEnglish is the #1 spelling and grammar tool for college students. It helps to eliminate writing mistakes by checking for contextual and spelling errors, word substitutions, and 63,000 advanced grammar rules. To learn more about how you can raise your paper grade with CorrectEnglish, visit https://www.correctenglish.com/he-student.

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