Why Higher Education Institutions Recommend CorrectEnglish

If you attend a college or university, you may be familiar with CorrectEnglish. Many higher education institutions include the writing development tool as a part of their technology package for students.

That means college and university students everywhere could benefit from CorrectEnglish. Whether English is your second language or you struggle with remembering complex spelling and grammar rules, CorrectEnglish can help.

What is the academic buzz around CorrectEnglish? This grammar and spell check tool helps students get good grades in school. Find out why colleges and universities recommend it.


Grammar And Spelling Is Essential In College Papers

When students turn in papers for their classes, professors have the highest expectations for flawless spelling and grammar. This can leave many students at a disadvantage when they don’t have the tens of thousands of grammar rules of the English language memorized.

CorrectEnglish instantly checks for spelling errors and 63,000 grammar rules. No matter what the student’s writing ability, we can help them ensure every paper they turn in features perfect spelling and grammar. CorrectEnglish also explains why each correction is needed, so students can learn as they write and avoid mistakes in the future.


Plagiarism Can Have Serious Consequences

Students who plagiarize in college run the risk of losing scholarships or even being expelled. Plagiarism is taking credit for someone else’s work. This is a mistake no one wants to make.

CorrectEnglish comes with a plagiarism checker to make sure every idea within a student’s paper is completely original. It will also help students include proper citations!


Learning New Vocabulary Helps Students In Their Majors

CorrectEnglish can help students choose the precise word that describes what they are trying to say in their writing. This is especially helpful while students are learning a new major, as they may not fully understand the correct use of words related to their major.

In research papers, emails, and short-answer responses, students receive recommendations on word choice. The tool helps students fully understand terms and vocabulary they include in their writing and improve literacy in their field of study.


CorrectEnglish® helps students easily correct writing mistakes by checking for contextual and spelling errors, word substitutions, and 63,000 advanced grammar rules. Type documents within the CorrectEnglish® application to get more detailed and accurate feedback on spelling, grammar, and more than standard word processors offer. To learn about CorrectEnglish, visit www.correctenglish.com.

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